Spilne Interesting

Cooperation with Star Light Media

Starlightmedia Group is headed by one of the main collectors of the country. It is not surprising that one day SLM turned to SPILNE with a difficult task – to decorate the office with young, accessible Ukrainian art.

It was even about the possibility of boldly painting murals in negotiations and open spaces. Later on, they decided to wait for the murals and agreed to work with the illustrator Serhiy Maidukov.

The company’s office is located on Turgeniivska Street, the concept was based on the titles of Turgenev’s stories. Office rooms for negotiations are called the same. The illustrator played each illustration around the titles of Turgenev’s works: Knocks, Eve, Hourglass, Office, Forest and Steppe, Dog, Calm. Thus, thanks to art, the business adds an interesting variety and aesthetics to serious matters.

Well, the murals are still waiting for their walls on Turgeniivska Street

ICTV facts

More Interesting

Research on the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian art: Spilne Art and Molfar

Spilne Art acted as experts and became part of the study of the investment attractiveness of Ukrainian contemporary art conducted by the OSINT agency Molfar. The study analyzed the factors that determine investment attractiveness and presented how these factors work today using the example of a specially formed sample of artists in accordance with certain […]

Contrapunct exhibition at the Kunstlerhaus

9.11.22 — 27.11.22. Artists Galyna Andrusenko, Gera Artemova, Julia Beliaeva, Mykola Bilous, Olia Fedorova, Maria Kulikovska, Kateryna Lysovenko, Yarema Malashchuk und Roman Himey, Daryna Mykytiuk, Daniil Nemyrovskyi, Ievgen Petrov, Katherine Reznichenko, Sana Shahmuradova, Olga Stein Gera Artemova, Melanka, 2020 Behind the roar of explosions and sirens, amid terrible loss, anxiety, and insomnia, everyday life goes […]

MILK KIDS + Spilne Art

MILK KIDS eco concept store hosted an exhibition of contemporary Ukrainian artists whose works are presented in the online gallery Spilne Art. The store’s guests had the opportunity to buy paintings and attend Saturday painting workshops conducted by the artists whose works are presented at the exhibition. The founder of the Spilne Art online gallery, […]

Art during the war

In the Bohdan and Varvara Khanenki National Art Museum, the Oschadbank cultural event “Art during the war” took place. The event consisted of a panel discussion on the role of art during the war and the announcement of a powerful cultural event – the exhibition “How are you?” from martial arts works created after February […]


8.09.22 — 11. 09. 22. Spilne art was participating in the international art fair, where the world’s leading galleries are represented. To continue telling the world about the war, we have chosen two artists — Sana Shakhmuradova and Daniil Nemyrovsky — whose artistic vision we share. We are also happy to announce that the Oberih […]

Yoga in the museum

Spilne Art together with the National Art Museum held yoga in a museum for the first time in Ukraine. It seemed adventurous, and sometimes even impossible. However, we did even better than we expected. Meditation in the museum, contemplation and discussion of the painting, and then a tea ceremony and enjoyment of still empty Kyiv. […]



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