Spilne Interesting

Exposition “Earth” in Peremoga

22.12.22 — 10.02.23
Four artists from SPILNE were presented exhibition “Land”, which is created to start a dialogue about archetypes and the search for a new identity in times of war. “We can fantasize and fully build our future, relying on the experience of the past, on the history of our family, and the depth of our roots,” comments the founder of SPILNE gallery, Natasha Tkachenko.

Tamara Turlyun presented “vytynanki” which symbolizes the roots and thoughts of the artist about the source. “I heard that the roots of a tree grow so deep, so If someone comes to chop it down, it will continue to live in the invisible world of the human eye, which exists underground,” comments the artist.

Zakhar Shevchuk shared a series of paintings “Old photos”, in which the author reflects on the theme of childhood memories, and also showed “Burnt works”, created already during the war, in which the artist depicts the power of fire and rebellion from ashes. “Surprisingly enough, these series are about hope,” comments Zakhar Shevchuk.

Artem Gumilevskyi presented a series of photographic works “Roots” about body acceptance in which an author reveals subconscious spiritual symbols and searches for a new identity that would not be based solely on the concept of the nation. “Making self-portraits and using the naked body as a tool — with that I celebrate undemanding self-acceptance and find freedom in it,” comments Artem Gumilevskyi.

Valeriya Tarasenko showed abandoned places that the artist romanticized in peacetime but completely rethought during the war. “Before the full-scale invasion, everything that was abandoned seemed childishly mine. Now I’m thinking more about how to rebuild, improve and completely repurpose these places.”


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